Welcome to my space in the Web
May I introduce myself, my name is
Verena Rudolph
Quantum Project Catalyst
...are called to
create a new process,
way of doing or being,
a strategy, or technology
for yourself and possibly others?
-there are buts,-
things that sidetrack you,
that cost you your precious energy,
Buts like
emotions, time, speed, structure, focus, relationships, repeating patterns, pressure, procrastination, holding on, not asking for help, desire for safety and stability, indecision, communication, sharing your ideas with the wrong people, no idea is good enough, stuckness, things move slow, it's exhausting, there are others, the world is against you,...
you know you wish you had the gift of a superhuman on your side who could help you efficiently transmute your buts ( even buts you didn't know you had) into the fuel you need to take focused action.
A guide that saves you a lot of time and brings in the flow of playfulness. Then...
would be honored to support you!
If you
love efficiency, you like it straight and choose guidance and support.
Please contact me for a personalized offer. I will let you know how many sessions in what period of time are optimal for you.
If you
wish to try my service, feel free to book a single session. During this session, we can start working on bringing flow to your project.
Please note that I love doing this work to support you sustainably. One session with me can and will lift you to a new frequency, to an elevated state. It's frustrating for me to stop there, as I desire to rebuild or build your foundation with you to keep that elevated state. We need some time working together so you will lift your state even further to a solid, stable place of being from where you can thrive.